Why your independent woman/girl boss persona is holding you back in your business (and life)
P.S. It’s a spicy one
If you’re finding that you’re stuck in your life and business and you’re not reaching out for help then here’s why.
We’re going DEEP.
You’re taught to figure it out alone because it’s how you were brought up.
After all, you’re good at figuring things out as an Entrepreneur, right?
Plus, asking for help is seen as a weakness in the hustle-bro culture.
You become so independent that asking for help isn’t a skill you learnt so it’s not in your wheelhouse.
Sharing your innermost thoughts to receive help figuring them out is so vulnerable that you feel sick!
You’re not used to going to those depths because emotions and feelings weren’t part of growing up.
Maybe even hiding it by intellectualising everything. You say “mindset is everything” and forget to feel your feelings.
Again, it’s not in your wheelhouse so you avoid it.
I’ve been guilty of this one and then I realised it was keeping me safe. Safety keeps you small… and stuck.
And finally, one was the big domino that REALLY helps you to expand… and it’s a spicy one.
Society has always championed the Girl Boss image which is all well and good but hyper-independence is a knee-jerk reaction, not something to aspire to.
The Real Truth = You were conditioned through abandonment to figure it out yourself.
Especially if you were the first child, the mature one or the “non-problem child”.
Did your parents see you as the one that didn’t give them any trouble?
Did the “squeaky wheel” in your family get all the attention?
Take a moment to lean into that. It’s a big one.
It’s not your fault, you just weren’t seen as needing help because you were so independent.
And now, as an adult, you still have that tough girl persona following you around.
It’s the ***REAL REASON*** why you’re struggling so much in your life and business.
Asking for help, especially from a *Holistic Coach can release all of this stuckness.
Practising asking for help is uncomfortable.
But not as uncomfortable as staying the same when you desire to grow.
* Holistic Coaching — Coaching on releasing mental, physical, spiritual and emotional energies.
Can the coach you chose hold you while you try out this new skill?
Have they been where you have been?
Damn, I know I have.
My Q1 2023 spots are available but are limited to three people.
Apply now https://tally.so/r/3xXXqJ